
What are MLPE’s? Let’s start with a brief history.

At the beginning of widespread solar power adoption, there were two elements in a system: panels and string inverters. Panels were simply wired together to create an array. That array was then wired to an inverter. The inverter changed the DC solar power to more useable AC alternating current. Nothing has really changed here, inverters still convert DC to AC and panels still get wired together to make arrays but… We are doing it a little different these days. You see inverters today can do much more than just the AC/DC conversion. They can manage, maximize, and track power production. In the past an array and inverter were all you needed.. Until you had a roof with 2 different orientations, i.e East and West facing panels. In that case you needed 2 inverters for 2 arrays. But then shading came along, a corner of your 10 panel array was now shaded, No big deal right? I mean only 10% is shaded… Well yeah it is a big deal because all the panels were wired to make one array and that array was only as strong as its weakest link i.e. the shaded part.  This equates to way more than a 10% loss. Ever wanted to know what panel #3 is producing compared to panel #4 or #5. Determining this is not an option with standard solar inverters, also known as string inverters they only “see” 1 panel or array. This is the nuts and bolts of early solar.

As the industry advanced MLPEs were developed. MLPE stands for Module-Level Power Electronics. That means that each panel can be tracked, maximized, and monitored.  Want to know how panel #3 is doing? You now have the ability to see this, all you have to do is Look! So lets explore the same scenarios above but with MLPEs. Oh No you say! We have some shade from the neighbors tree. Not a problem MLPEs maximize production, the non-shaded panels will be working just fine, no more weakest link. How about the East and West roofs? No big deal, they can do that too. There is no need to increase costs with two (2) inverters, and one can handle it just fine! Ever thought about expanding a current system with some new panels? Different brands, different watts can definitely be a problem with a string inverter.  Again MLPEs have you covered; expand your solar electrical system as you like!

At the end of the day, I always look at 3 things when it comes to inverters. What is the efficiency, the cost, and the warranty? MLPEs efficiencies are at the top of their class, the costs are slightly  above average; and taken as a whole, are well worth it since you get the most bang for your buck out of your rooftop solar or ground-mounted solar system. And, finally the warranty. The 10-year warranty of standard inverters has been eclipsed by the new standard of 25-year warranties. Since 25 years is the golden standard for solar panels as well, match the warranty length means consumers have a “bumper-to -bumper” warranty.

Thus, MLPEs are here to stay. They come in two forms — Solar Edge Optimizers, and Micro Inverters from other manufacturers. Sunbright Solar strongly recommends the Solar Edge systems over micro inverters for performance, reliability, and details data collection.  Interested in building the best possible solar electrical system for your business or home?  Call Sunbright Solar, and let’s talk shop!  Our experts have decades of solar experience under their belts, so let us be your resource! Call Today — (520) 222-9993